Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

Hey girlies! Here's a quiz about GL, so we'll know what you really like about the site. Ready? GO!

1.Favorite part of the site?
2.Are you into the giveaways? Have u won any?
3.Crafts or Recipes? (which one do u use/checkout more?)
4.What beauty tips do u look into? Hair or make-up?
5.Who is your fave star that has appeared on GL's cover?
6. What's your favorite topic in the Guys section?
7.Which fitness article did you find the most helpful?
8. Does the GL site stay on top of the latest news? 
9. Is the site easy to navigate (are you able to find what you are looking for?)
10.Should the site change at all? Add anything, remove anything?

by GL | 2/1/2016