Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

1. Would you rather listen to one song over and over again or watch one movie over and over again?
2. There are two sides: on one, there's a cute guy but there's absolutely nothing else. On the other, there's a not-so-cute guy, but with him is the top 3 things you've ever wanted. Which do you go to?
3. Do you prefer McDonalds or Subway?
4. Do people usually mistake you as older than you really are, or younger?
5. You have 20 dollars in your wallet . . . does any of that money survive after your fav store?
6. Quick! Think of a random object! What was it?
7. There are two food stores . . . Baskin Robbins and Dairy Queen. Which one do you go into?
8. SALE! Do you grab the bargins, or do you just buy whatever you want to, no matter what the price tag says?
9. Your parent just signed you up for a pilates class. What's your reaction – yay or ugh?
10. Pick one - lip gloss, mascara, or blush?

by GL | 2/1/2016