Survey Says

A quiz for anyone!


Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own GL readers! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own!

Luxury Life Quiz

1. If you could be any actress who would you be?
2. Your new movie just hit the box office and has made # 1! How do you celebrate?
3. Your so called BFF has just completely trashed your rep and let loose your secrets to the world! How do you deal? 
4. You can have any available famous person to be your new BF, who do you choose?
5. Your 'rents just gave you a 10 million dollar beach house in LA, how do you react?
6. How far would you go when throwing a party?
7. Describe your dream dress. 
8. The Valet parking just crashed your BMW convertible. What kind of car do replace it with?
9. If you could be the daughter of any famous person who would it be?
10. Would you fly to Paris on a shopping spree on your own private jet?

by GL reader | 2/1/2016