Survey Says

A quiz for anyone!


Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own GL readers! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own!

Would you rather...

1. Swim in the Caribbean in a lagoon with your crush or spend an
evening at the restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower with your
2. Have to clean the house or work in the yard for a day?
3. Go on a shopping spree in Paris with your best friend or star in a movie with your best friend?
4. Hold a spider for 5 minutes or a snake for 5 minutes?
5. Have the power to fly or have the power to teleport?
6. Live without a bed in your room (just a pad and a blanket) for the rest of your life or live without walls around your room for the rest of your life?
7. Win the Nobel Peace Prize or an Academy Award?
8. Live in a villa on the coast of Greece or a palace hidden away in Venice?
9. Be insanely smart or insanely rich?

Submit your own survey by clicking the blue button! 

by GL reader | 2/1/2016