Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

1. If you could be stranded on an island with 6 people, who would they be?
2. Now that you're stranded on an island with no sign of immediate rescue, what would you do first?
3. So night has fallen and it's time to go to sleep. Who do you sleep next to?
4. You wake up. How was your first sleep on the island?
5. Days and days pass and you start keeping a calendar. You wake up before everyone else and realize it's Christmas! How do you surprise everyone else?
6. You start getting mad towards someone in your group. How do you handle it?
7. One of your friends goes missing! Where do you look to find him/her?
8. Whew! You found your friend. Where was he/she?
9. Meanwhile, your BFF has fallen in love with another guy in the group and decide to get "married". What do you make her dress out of?
10. Your guy feels so swept up in all the romance and asks you to marry him. What do you say?
11. About 8 years pass and no sign of any ships. Are you comfortable with your life on the island?
12. At the end of your story what is your happy ending? Do you get saved or do you stay on the island?

by GL | 2/1/2016