Survey Says

A quiz for anyone!


Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own GL hunnies! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own!

1. What book that you've read (or listened to) caused you to stay up late just to finish it?:
2. Do you hate big purple sweaters?:
3. What number is frequently present and of great importance to your life?:
4. Would you rather have horrible acne or have bad hair?:
5. What is your favorite book(s)?:
6. Waffles or pancakes?:
7. Cell phone or iPod?:
8. Computer or TV?:
9. Long hair or short hair on guys?:
10. What's your name?:
11. Skirts or jeans?:
12. Do you like sweet tea?:
13. Do you have a pet?:
14. Jackets or shoes?:
15. What do your favorite shoes look like?:

Submit your own survey by clicking the blue button! 

by GL reader | 2/1/2016