Survey Says

A quiz for anyone!


Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own GL girlies! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own!

1. Not have bras until you're 21 or having only 3 bars of soap(and
nothing else) to wash up with for 8 months?
2. Eat twice as many calories a day than you really need for a week or eat cherrios and nothing else for 2 months?
3. Listen to Hannah Montana CD 200 times straight or not being able to listen to music at all for 2 years?
4. Not be allowed to date until you're 20 or not be able to speak for a month?
5. Have to walk in a desert for a day with only one bottle of water or have to wash(by hand) random people's underwear for a week?
6. Live next door to your best friend(if you don't already) or live next door to your crush(if you don't already)?
7.Get 10 free back stage passes for you and you rBFFs to your fav band or getting $200 gift card for movies?
8. Your mom wearing the same outfit as you every day for a week or showing up at a dance wearing the same outfit your enemy is wearing?
9. Get in a fist fight with Paris Hilton or get in a fight with your principal?
10. Have unlimited minutes on your phone(forever) or unlimited supply of your favorite food for a year?

Submit your own survey by clicking the blue button below!

by Gl reader | 2/1/2016