Survey Says

SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

How old are you? 14

Going to college? Yes

Which college? St. Louis University

Favorite male celebrity? Nick Jonas

Favorite female celebrity? Demi Lovato

Favorite breakfast food? Pop-Tarts!! They are amazing!!

Do you have a boyfriend? YES!!!

What's his name, if you have one? Sam=]

What grade are you in? It's my freshman year in high school

Favorite part of Girls' Life Magazine? The advice columns.

Least fav celeb? Miley Cyrus.

Star Sign? Cancer, I'm emotional and big-hearted =]

Are in you in your school's band? Marching band, I play the Clarinet!

What makes your heart beat faster? Music. Definitely music.

What makes you tick? Liars, and people the talk about each other.

If you could vote, would you for this election? NO.

Who would you vote for?  I dislike both candidates.

Meet Nick Jonas, or meet the president? OMG NICK JONAS!!

Like this quiz? Duh, I made it!!

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?
10/6/2008 7:01:00 AM