Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


CHECK IT OUT! Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own #GLgirls! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own below!

1. favorite meal? dinner
2. least favorite meal? breakfast
3. favorite food? pizza & spaghetti
4. least favorite food? I don't know
5. soda or juice? juice ( I don’t like soda )
6. Gatorade or PowerAde? both
7. do you pack or buy lunch more? pack but I do buy
8. paper bag or lunch box? lunch box
9. drink box/pouch or a bottle of something? bottle of something
10. favorite thing to eat at lunch? I have no clue

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Submit it below!

by GL reader | 2/1/2016