Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


CHECK IT OUT! Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own Blog Babes! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own below!

Would You Rather:
1. Not shave your legs all summer OR wear shorts all winter?
2. Kiss your enemy (guy!!!) OR kiss your crush while he has a GF?
3. Watch nothing but friends or nothing but hannah montana?
4. Not go on the computer for a year OR not watch TV for a year? 
5. Eat a lot of ice cream and then go on a roller coaster OR eat a lot of ice cream then go ice skating with your crush?
6. Wear the same shirt for a week OR not put on deodorant for a week?


GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Submit it by clicking the blue button above!

by GL reader | 2/1/2016