Survey Says

Survey: Are you the best bestie?



Having a best friend is basically the greatest thing ever—with your bestie around, you always have someone to listen to you gush about crushes, help pick the perfect Insta filter or even just veg out with you and watch cheesy movies until way too late. After too many heart-to-hearts to count, you probably feel like you know *everything* about her…after all, you're practically the same person!

Take Hannah and Emme from Carolyn Mackler's new novel Best Friend Next Door. When Hannah's best friend moves away and Emme moves in, they're suprised to find they share a love of peanut butter, palindromes for names, a New Year's Day birthday and even the same blue tie-dye tank top...but they're also pretty different. 

Want to find out if Hannah and Emme get as close as you and your bestie? Grab your girl and each fill out the survey below. Responses go right in the comments—and no cheating. If ya don't know one of the answers, make sure to ask her…hello, even better bond! 

 Are you the best bestie?

1. What's her favorite ice cream topping?

2. What is her Mom's first name?

3. What's her favorite song right now? 

4. What will always make her feel better when she's upset?

5. What was the name of her first pet?

6. What is her absolute dream job?

7. What makes her laugh so hard she snorts?

8. When was the moment you knew you would be best friends?

9. Who's her secret celeb crush?

10. Where would she totally love to go on vacay?

Tally up your score and let us know how you did. And don't forget to check out Best Friend Next Door—pick up a copy at one of the following bookstores or grab it online from Amazon,

 Hastings, IndieBound, Target, Walmart, Google, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and Kobo!






by GL | 2/1/2016