Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


CHECK IT OUT! Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own Blog Babes! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own below!

1. Would you rather go to Paris and stay at the richest hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower, or go to Hawaii and stay in a resort?

2. Would you rather see a musical in New York or see your favorite band play in LA?

3. Who would you rather meet randomly, Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

4. Where would rather go on a first date, a fancy restaurant for a tasty dinner or a beach that's packed with people?

5. Where would you go shopping with your best friend, a city loaded with cute boutiques of the Mall of America?

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Click the blue button above to send it in!

by GL reader | 2/1/2016