Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

Hey girls! Trackgirl000 here with a random survey. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Uggs or moccasins?

2. Converse or flip-flops?

3. Fruit or veggies?

4. A ton of boyfriends and break up frequently, or only a few BFs and go out for a loonng time?

5. Cats or dogs?

6. Pink or blue?

7. Orange or green?

8. Sports or shopping?

9. Straight A's or the MVP of your team?

10. Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

Thanks for taking my survey!!! :)

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Hey survey sistahs, GL is revamping the surveys and we need YOUR help. Got an idea for a great survey? We wanna hear it! Here's the catch: it has to be original, different AND creative. Think themes, letters, colors, movies, music, whatev! Use your imagination.


Click the blue Submit Your Own button NOW for your chance to be featured on the site. And don't forget to include your username so we can give ya credit for your oh-so-super survey!

by GL Reader | 2/1/2016