Survey Says

A Quiz for Anyone

Pass these questions around to your buds. Who knows? You might learn something fun and new! Leave your answers in the comments girlies.

1. If you had to dye your hair a color of the rainbow, what color would it be?

2. Do you have a phone? What does it look like?

3. What color is your bedroom?

4. What is your favorite international food?

5. Did you have any imaginary friends as a little kid? Describe them.

6. Do you have a pet name for your BFF? What is it?

7. How did you meet your crush?

8. If you could only wear one brand of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Hey survey sistahs, GL is revamping the surveys and we need YOUR help. Got an idea for a great survey? We wanna hear it! Here's the catch: it has to be original, different AND creative. Think themes, letters, colors, movies, music, whatev! Use your imagination.


Click the blue Submit Your Own button NOW for your chance to be featured on the site. And don't forget to include your username so we can give ya credit for your oh-so-super survey!

by GL | 2/1/2016