Survey Says

A quiz for anyone


CHECK IT OUT! Here’s another short and sweet survey from one of our very own Blog Babes! Fill it out, read other answers and don’t forget to submit your own below!

I was on GL site, and I was thinking, most of the girls, or at least me, always wonder what the other girls do in their daily lives. Here is a survey, so everyone can see what everyone else is up to.

1. What are your, if any, extracurricular activities?
A. Sports
B. Drama
C. Clubs
D. Job/ Babysitting
E. Nothing

2. At school, your group of buds are most likely doing?
A. Gossiping
B. Talking about classes.
C. Checking out cute guys.
D. Discussing who made the team.
E. Nothing. You are all too busy with something else.

3. If you were to have a nickname/logo in the yearbook, what would it be?
A. Love Bug
B. Suck Up
C. Sports Fanatic
D. Teacher's Pet
E. Nothing. You don't like to be in the spotlight.

4. You've had a horrible day. Everything seemed to go wrong. You arrive home; what do you do?
A. Call your buds and ask for advice.
B. Lock yourself in your room and binge on Netflix.
C. Eat.
D. Complain to your parents.
E. Cry.

5. If you were to be described by your crush. How would he describe you?
A. Best Bud
B. Girly Girl.
C. Drama Queen.
D -Name- Who?
E. Scary.

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Click the blue button above to send it in!

by GL reader | 2/1/2016