Blush Much

Slick Moves

One winter we had a huge ice storm around my house and we didn't have school for a week! Everything had a thick sheet of ice on it - sidewalks, trees, everything! Well, I was walking down the street one day toward my best friend's house when my neighbor (who I had a big crush on) came out of his house and yelled "Hey!" I turned around to smile and wave back but when I turned I slipped on the ice and went flying toward the ground! I did a face-plant right in front of him. He was laughing really hard and I was soo embarrassed. Now, every time I see him in the winter he reminds me that ice is slippery and laughs! 

We want to hear from you! Send us your most embarrassing moments right here and you just might get featured.

by GL | 2/1/2016