Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? Awkward Turtle

One of my guy friends was going out with this girl that I'm not that great of friends with, and they looked horrible together!  So, I really liked to mess around with them.  I would go up to after lunch and rub his shoulder and say, "Hey sexy!", and then I would run away laughing.  About a week later, I heard that they had broken up, so I went up to him and explained that I felt really bad about it.  He said it wasn't my fault and that it was ok, but then he asked me why I did it.  My eyes widened and I was like, "Uhhhh...." and I told him a really lame excuse, and then hurriedly ran to French class.  After school, I was at my locker with my friend and she says kinda loudly, "So are you and Nick going out now?"  He just happened to be at his locker down the hall (oh joy) and heard her say that! It was horrible especially because I don't even like him that much.  The next day at lunch, I had to explain to him that I DIDN'T like him like that, it was the most awkward conversation ever!

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by GL | 2/1/2016