Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? Accidental Skinny Dipping

I was at a pool party for my bff and my crush from first grade was going to be there.  I was wearing my new bikini that was kind of loose but I just made a mental note to tighten the straps.  Well, lucky me, I jumped off the diving board and my top came loose and flew off.  Then when I was kicking off the ground to come to the surface my bottoms slid off.  I came up right by my crush and landed on him completely naked.  I couldn't go back down and get my bottoms because it was a 12-foot deep pool.  But of course I tried to get it and as I went down I ripped my crush's bottoms off too!!!!  To make matters even worse, as I was coming up, my head rammed into his crotch!  That was the worst day of my life.  But even now, my crush who is now my bf, has dated me ever since.

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by GL | 2/1/2016