Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? Smother Him

I was at the mall with my best friend on the last day of 7th grade. The mall was right by school and almost all the kids from my school went there on half-days and on the last day of school. I am a huge klutz, and as I was walking to get ice cream with my BFF, I fell in front of everyone. I sat there confused for a few seconds before I realized I had landed on someone. I looked up to see a boy my age brushing himself off, but he was facing the other way. "I’m so, so sorry!" I said to him. It took me a few more seconds before I realized it was my crush! He was so nice about it. "Its ok!" He said. Then he said hi to my friend and walked away. I turned red and my friend and I hurried off. So many people I knew saw the whole thing and I was so embarrassed! I couldn't believe it had happened!

We want to hear from you! Send us your most embarrassing moments right here and you just might get featured.

by GL | 2/1/2016