Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? Misplaced 8 year old

My bff moved far away and one weekend she came to visit. We never went to the same school since pre-school, so while she was visiting her friends from her school, I was babysitting her little sister, Sydney, who is soooooo sweet. I figured I would take her to the movies because the sequel of her favorite movie came out that day. I saw my crush, who’s two years older than me, in the lobby getting popcorn. I waved and he waved back. Instead of going to the movie he was originally going to see, he followed Sydney and me into our movie. He sat down next to me and playfully did the "elbow on the shoulder trick" and I playfully said "ugh! I am with an 8 yr old!" he laughed and asked if I would talk to him for a few minutes, so I told Sydney to stay where she was and scream if anything went wrong. My crush and I went 3 rows up to where we had Sydney in plain sight, and talked quietly during the previews. When the movie started we went back up to our original seat and Sydney wasn’t there. I started freaking out and running up and down the stairs, and finally I saw Sydney. I had walked to the wrong row. My crush couldn’t stop laughing.

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by GL | 2/1/2016