Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? The Pad is Out of the Bag

I thought I had started my period in the locker room, so I just went ahead borrowed a pad from the gym teachers, and the rule is if you borrow one you have to replace it. Well it turned out to be a false alarm, and I figured I would just return the unused pad to my gym teachers in gym the next day. Well on the bus I was sitting next to my crushes little brother, and my crush, who is two grades ahead of me, was in the seat behind us.  I moved to my bffs seat in front of me and two minutes later, my crushes brother ask "Marissa is this yours?" and holds up the unused pad. Apparently it had fallen out of my bag, and my crush heard the whole thing! I denied it was mine, but my crushes brother said, " I bet its yours."

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by GL | 2/1/2016