Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? Squeamish

In Health class and we had to watch the movie Something to Live For: The Allison Gertz Story in class because it was about a girl that had AIDS. So about 10 minutes into the movie, the girl started getting the symptoms. She was like sweating and breathing heavily. I was a little disturbed (because I get squeamish when it comes to medical issues or gory situations) but I was ok. Then another 5 minutes into the movie, she went to the hospital for tests. Then when she got there, it showed her getting like needle after needle after needle and then I had to look away. Then after she had X-Rays, she had to get a spinal tap so I looked away right away. After about a minute I thought it was over so I turned back around. But unfortunately, it wasn't over. So I saw the needle in her back and immediately got extremely creeped out. I started feeling lightheaded and my stomach felt weird. Then I PASSED OUT. I went home and rested for a while. When I came back, literally everybody in my whole grade knew what had happened. I also found out that my legs went straight up in the air when I fell over so I kicked one of my friends in the face as I went down. Oops...

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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016