Blush Much

BLUSH MUCH? The Unlucky Falling Curse

 I trip and fall a lot. We were running laps in gym and somebody started a rumor that I said something bad. Which I didn't. So this guy goes up to me while I'm running and calls me some very interesting words, in a bad way. I start pushing myself so hard that I run straight into the wall because I trip over my own feet and slip. I got a black eye from hitting the cement so hard and lets just say that a lot of people felt justice was served. Later that day. I ran right into my best guy friend in the hall because I had an ice pack on my right eye, I fall again and cause a chain reaction, only to look up and see everybody who could get away fast enough basically hugging the walls for protection. As soon as the rumor was proved to be fake. Everybody vowed to never say anything bad or untrue about me for their own personal safety.

--Falls Alot

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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016