Blush Much


There was this guy in my 2nd period class that I had a HUGE crush on. So I was sitting there talking to him that day when my friend sat down and started saying embarrassing stuff about me. Like stuff only my FRIENDS would so I turned bright red.... Then the teacher called me to his desk and asked why I was so red. I told him that it was because I was laughing a lot so he gave me a weird look and told me to go sit down. Okay so when I got to my seat and went to sit down my friend pulled my chair out from under me and at the same time my crush tried to put it back. I fell on my butt anyway! The whole class was laughing at me! Even my crush! But later that day he said sorry and asked me out! I said yes! We've been going out ever since.

We want to hear from you! Send us your most embarrassing moments right here and you just might get featured.

by GL Reader | 2/1/2016