Your Bod

Does hair removal cream really work?

I told my mom that I want to start shaving, but she said that I am too young to use razor. Yesterday, she bought me a hair removal cream that is supposed to work on your legs and body. Would it really work, and is it the best thing to use?


Depilatories, or hair removal creams, are a good option when your parents don’t want you to use a razor, or you’re not a big fan of the results of shaving. They do work, though the results might not be ideal for you.


How do they work?

Instead of slicing off hair at the root like a razor, depilatories use chemicals that break down the hair’s protein structure, which allows it to be easily removed when you rub off the cream.


What’s good about them?

Well, they’re pretty inexpensive. Most are in the $10-range, give or take a few bucks. The results typically last for about a week depending on your hair type and color. The process is easy—literally wipe on, wipe off. And for most people, it’s pain free.


Now for the bad news.

Chemical depilatories can be stinky and messy, and they can also irritate sensitive skin. Because of this, you should always test a small patch of skin to make sure the chemicals don’t cause a bad reaction.


What should I buy?

When it comes to picking the best brand, you’ve got quite a few to choose from these days. Nair has a huge following, and it was originally created by a mom for her daughter’s use—she, too, thought her child was too young to use a razor. If you try Nair and you’re not a fan, don’t write off the whole slew of products. We recommend trying a different brand before seeking different hair removal options simply because a different chemical formula might better suit your body.

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016