
Save your soles: 8 footwear probs and how to solve them


It’s no secret that shoes are a girl’s best friends. From sandals to sneakers and pumps to platforms, we treasure these beauties...and there’s nothing worse than splurging on a gorgeous new pair, only to find they kill your ankles or scuff crazy-easily. While it’s impossible to keep them in mint condition forever, shoes are meant to be worn. Solve your footwear follies with these easy tips.

Break ‘em in: Next time you buy a new pair of shoes, break them in with this simple trick. Blow dry a pair of thick wool socks for about two minutes and then wear them inside your shoes as you walk around the house. The heat and thickness of the socks will help stretch out the material of your shoe.

Decorate scuffed soles: Are the soles of your high heels covered in scuff marks? Give them some red-carpet ready dazzle with a little DIY décor. Paint the soles with a thin layer of Modge Podge glue and then cover them in glitter or rhinestones.

Ditch the dirt: If your suede shoes are caked in dirt, try buffing them with a nail file. Brush back and forth across the affected surface until the dirt comes off.

Prevent blisters: If your shoes always give you blisters, try coating the areas that typically rub against your skin with clear gel deodorant of petroleum jelly.

Skip the salt stains: Salt on the streets may keep us from slipping on ice during the winter, but it certainly isn’t doing our precious shoes any favors. Kiss those salt stains goodbye with a squirt of vinegar. Take a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and gently rub it over the stained spots. They’ll disappear in no time.

Soak up the smell: Stinky shoes got you down? Stress no more! Absorb the odor by putting a few dry tea bags or a teaspoon of baking soda inside each shoe and letting them sit overnight.

Stop the squeak: Sqeaky shoes are *totally* embarrassing. Stop the squeak in its tracks with baby powder. Lift up the inner sole of your shoe and sprinkle a layer of powder to keep the different parts of your shoes from rubbing together, causing that high-pitched squeal that everyone hates.

Stretch ‘em out: If your shoes are too tight and squish your toes, all you need to stretch them out are plastic bags, water and your freezer. Fill two plastic bags with water and place one in the toe area of each shoe. Leave your shoes in the freezer overnight, and they’ll be stretched out by morning.

What probs does your footwear cause? What are some of your shoe solutions? Let us know!

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by Samantha Max | 2/1/2016