Scrub a dub dub with these DIY perfect poufs

Get your girls together this weekend and create one of these perfect poufs to spice up your morning shower routine. They're super easy to make and you will walk away *loving* your loofah.

You'll need:

- Tulle or netted nylon (If you have old tutus lying around, recycle! Just make sure the consistency of your tulle is soft enough to use to scrub your body.)
- Upholstery thread
- A needle
- A polyester, nylon or silk cord


1. Cut your tulle into long strips. The dimensions of the strips are up to you, depending on how big of a pouf you want but for your average loofah, the height of each strip should probably be around 7 inches and the length should be at least 5 feet.

2. Take your cord and tie a knot at one end, so it’s a big loop.

3. Tie the end of your thread to something solid. It can be anything, but make sure your knot is super strong. Afterwards, cut your upholstery thread and string it securely through your needle.

4. Take your strip of tulle and halfway through the height of the strip, repeatedly weave your needle through the tulle about two inches apart, creating small folds in the material. As you make these loose stitches, your tulle will slide towards your sturdy object.

5. Once you have bunched your tulle into a sufficiently sized pouf, push your soon-to-be loofah away from your sturdy object. Carefully holding onto both ends while you do this, cut your thread from the needle and from the sturdy object.

6. Place one end of the thread through the knotted loop you made with your cord. Next, tie the ends of your thread together *super* tightly, wrapping the thread around the base of your loofah at least twice. Afterwards, securely double- or triple-knot your thread. And voila!

What color would you make *your* loofah? Share in the comments! 

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Photo credit: Pinterest.


by Erin Farrugia | 6/4/2017