Looking for a last minute gift? Try one of these DIY mason jars


Yikes. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and you *still* don't have a gift for everyone on your list. But you do have a few empty mason jars laying around...and 24 hours of precious shopping time that you're wasting! We've picked out the cutest (and easiest) DIY gifts that can be done with a jar and just a few other little things. Prezzie problems solved.

Hot cocoa mix in a jar 
You'll need: Hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, pretty ribbon

Glitter mason jar
You'll need: Glitter and glue

Reindeer cookies in a jar
You'll need: Your favorite cookie recipe, the ingredients and cute labels.

Galaxy in a jar
You'll need: Glitter, acrylic paint and water.

Just the marshmallows
You'll need: Lucky Charms. That's all!

Unicorn spa jar
You'll need: Chapstick, bath bombs, foot soak, nail polish, anything beauty-related.

What are your best last minute gift ideas? Share below! 

by Amanda Tarlton | 12/23/2016