
Win over your crush right now

Making a good impression at the beginning of the school year is so crucial, especially when it comes to your crush. But it’s a bit of a yawn-fest just saying “hey”. Wanna make a more memorable first impression? Try these totally unique ideas to catch your cutie's eye.

Common Denominator
Pay attention to the things that your crush likes. See him wearing your fave team's jersey? Chat him up about the their recent win. Overhear him gushing over a mutual obsession with that hot new band? Chime in and tell him how much you dig their new hit. There's got to be one thing you both have in common. Use that to your advantage, and he'll take notice.

The Personal Chef
It’s sounds corny, but there's a ring of truth behind this ol' saying "The quickest way to a guy's heart is through his stomach." Bake a batch of your signature cookies and bring them to school. Offering him a sweet snack is a great excuse to chat it up with him while showing off your mad culinary skills.

Study Buddy
It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book, but also the most effective when done correctly. Ask your crush to partner up and look over notes together for the next test. Even if you're acing your class, pairing up with a classmate can be more beneficial than just studying solo.

Fan of the Hour
Does your cutie play a school sport? Go to his game with a bunch of your friends and then congratulate him afterward. Not only will you get to spend time with your buds cheering on your school, but he’ll also be stoked to see your support. (Psst! Not sure what to wear to his game? Look here for starters.)

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by Chelsea Becker | 2/1/2016