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This app lets you become your fave characters

If you’re a film or TV fanatic and your everyday conversations tend to include quotes from your fave movies, then we have fab news for you: the new app ROLR lets you become your most cherished characters and bring their dialogue to life in your own special way. The app is like karaoke, but for movies and TV shows. You record your own versions of classic lines, then send the videos to friends and fam so they can check out your acting chops. You also have the chance to share your silly clips with the world and get discovered!

So who’s the mastermind behind this brilliant app? Actor Edward Kerr, who many of you may know as Pastor Ted from Pretty Little Liars, is the man who brought ROLR to life. He says that, “As an actor, my goal was to create an acting machine so that anyone, from anywhere, at anytime could have the opportunity to experience the fun of playing a character in a scene.”

New scenes are being added to ROLR all the time, but according to Edward, Bring it On, Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 are *hugely* popular with users.

Check the vid below to watch fans act out scenes from Bring it On and see just how ROLR works:

What do you think of ROLR? Let us know in the comments below!

by Morgan Ome | 8/3/2016