In the News
The Lowdown On Lunch
Do you love chicken nugget day at the cafeteria? Are you a French fry fanatic? Do you grab a chocolate bar for dessert every day at lunch? Is a sugary soda a sure bet on your lunch tray?
Well girl, if you answered yes, your fave lunch fare could be in danger. According to a recent article in the New York Times, the big guys (aka federal lawmakers) are considering a national ban on junk food in schools. This ban would stop the sale of candy, salty, fatty foods and soda in schools nationwide.
Under this law, your drink choices could be plain water, an 8-ounce serving of fruit juice and low-fat milk. And that pack of Reese's that you pick up to help you get through Math class? Even vending machines items will change. Lawmakers think this may help decrease childhood obesity.
So girls, what do you think? Do you eat "junk" for lunch? What's your fave lunch food? Do you think this ban is a-ok or a total no-go? Have any healthy alternatives of your own to share? Let us GL girlies know!
By: Cait Rohan