
If you don't already love Taylor Swift, you will after hearing this

It's easy to think of our favorite celebs as our friends, but a little more rare for stars to think of their fans as friends. In the past, though, Taylor Swift has gone above and beyond expectations to show her fans just how much she values and cherishes them, and just how much they mean to her—and holidays are no exceptions. 

Even though Tay was no doubt busy spending Mother's Day with her own mom, especially after her semi-recent diagnosis, she still took time out of her day to talk to a fan who was hurting and who'd reached out. When a teen Swifty named Kaileen posted an open letter thanking Tay on Tumblr, other fans made sure that the superstar found it.

"Dear Taylor," Kaileen wrote. "It’s me, iced coffee girl, and I could really use a hug. Today is Mother’s Day, a day most people spend with their mothers thanking them for everything they do. But, for me, I can’t spend this day with my mom because she’s in heaven. Last January, my mom passed away and a piece of my heart left with her. My mom was my best friend, the one I laughed with, the one I cried with, and the one I loved with my whole heart. For a while, I felt empty. But as you’ve done many times before, you filled that hole. You took me out of my sad place and made me happy. And because of you, I got through something that was the hardest thing in the world for me. Today’s going to be another hard day, but I know with you on my side I can get through anything. I love you. Always, Kaileen"

Tay didn't just like the post, though. She also took the time to write an equally heartfelt response.  

"Kaileen- I love you so much and can’t imagine what you must be feeling today. You’ve lived through my worst fear. I’m so sorry you can’t spend today with her. It’s not fair, and there’s no reason why you should feel okay about it. No one should ever expect you to feel normal today. I admire and respect your ability to put forth such a sunny, sweet disposition when you’ve been through something so dark and tragic so recently. I never would’ve guessed by your attitude or your posts. I never would’ve known if you hadn’t told me. Sending you a huge hug today. Gonna go get iced coffee and cheers to you." 

Tay's not just one of the best artists we know of, she's also one of the best people, and it's little moments like this that always prove it. Thanks for alway being there for us, Tay.

What do you think about Tay's gesture? Tell us in the comments.


by Chelsea Duff | 2/1/2016