Become a good-at-hair girl with these six tips
There are two types of girls in this world: The good-at-hair girl (we’re calling them GAHGs, by the way) transitions between trendy styles on the regular, makes braiding look like a breeze and *always* seems chic, whether it’s in a sleek side-part or glam-grunge bedhead. And then there’s…well, everyone else. Sure, most of us can use a flat-iron to fake real styling skills or pull it together in a perfectly presentable pony—but what separates the regular girl from the GAHG? If you lack a natural-born talent for tress taming, there’s still hope: Ahead, six lessons for becoming a legit lockstar.
Lesson 1: Map out your mane.
You prep your lunches, block out study time and *always* plan your outfits in advance—so why wouldn’t you schedule your strand styles, too? “Start with a great blowout [see lesson #4!], then extend it well into your week,” says John Paul Mitchell Systems editorial stylist Tina Greene. “Work your way up before you absolutely need to wash it.” Try something like this: Day #1 starts with your beautiful blowout. On day #2, hit hair with a curling iron for some tousled waves. On day #3, twist part of it up for a beachy, messy half-down ’do. On day #4, use all that texture to bustle up an amazing braid and on day #5, pull it all into a topknot or slick it back. Wash well and repeat, switching things up as necessary to fit with your schedule and favorite new styles (see lesson #3).
Lesson 2: Obsess over accessories.
The new of-the-moment accessories utilize luxe fabrics (like rich velvet), chic stones (think: boho turquoise) and major metal (bronze, silver and gold *everything*). Just remember this: When playing with heavier hardware, it’s key to create a secure base to anchor the accessory. “Grab a section, hit it with a texture spray and backcomb a bit,” says stylist and InStyler ambassador Joseph Chase. Slip in your barrette or brooch—and it’s never been simpler to be so chic.
Lesson 3: Challenge yourself to seven days of new styles.
The GAHG doesn’t have a signature mane move; she switches it up with something unexpected. To build up your own repertoire, it’s essential to experiment. Commit to trying seven completely new styles in seven days. It’ll take some determination—breaking the ponytail habit is *hard*—but we guarantee you’ll gain some gorgeous go-to’s by the end of the week.
Lesson 4: Master the blowout.
Does the GAHG get a pro blowout every week? Not likely—she’s probably just a pro at manipulating her own mane. A salon-worthy dry sesh instills mega confidence (shimmery strands! bouncy volume!)—and it’s totally possible to master the technique. Perception and practice are everything, explains Streeters salon stylist Holly Mills. “Your hairdresser is the best source for learning the steps.” Next time you’re at the salon, ask your stylist to teach you everything she does: what products she preps with (and why!), what tools work best and, most importantly, her strategy for a dream dry job. Then? Practice.
Lesson 5: Create a killer kit.
Peek at your vanity. If your entire squad of strand stylers includes nothing more than a brush, a blow-dryer and a can of hairspray…it’s time to expand your essentials. All GAHGs know that the right pride of products can make *anything* possible: a volumizer gives life to limp locks, a heat protectant fights the frying and an oil keeps strands soft and shiny. Experiment with new formulas (ask Mom, your sis or a friend to sample their stuff), then invest in the hair helpers you heart.
Lesson 6: Find your hair hero.
It started when you spotted a sleek Chloe Lukasiak style or a chameleon-esque Kardashian color change—and suddenly you were inspired. Finding a “hair hero” can be a great way to gain endless ideas to incorporate into your own routine. Just be sure to pick a mane muse whose hair is a similar length and texture to your own, says Tina Outen, also a stylist at Streeters. (Because let’s be real: Aiming for Ari’s lengthy locks will be way tough if you have Selena’s cute new crop.)
Are you a GAHG? Let us know in the comments below!