
Makeup looks to wear to your next family dinner

Every family has a distinct celebration style. Some keep it super casual, while others go all-out glam. Whether your bro's rocking sweatpants on Thanksgiving or your grandma is decked out in costume jewelry on Christmas, you'll want a makeup look that best represents *your* style. These tutorials will definitely help you do that.

If you want to keep things natural...

No need for false lashes, contouring or baking here (well, unless you count pie...). For a fresh face, follow Sage's lead and rock this quick and easy look.

If you want to go all drugstore...

Gift giving time hasn't *quite* rolled around yet, so it's a good thing that this chic look can be achieved without that Tarte eyeshadow palette that's on your wish list. Also, those eyebrows = on point.

If you want to rock a dark lip...

Who says you have to save dessert for last? You'll look fab in this chocolatey lip color, even if it does make your great aunt go all 🤔🤔🤔.

If you want "that red lip classic thing"...

Taylor Swift is *always* welcome at our dinner table...and the same goes for her signature red lip! For a fancier feel, flick on a cat eye, too. So that when your uncle asks, "What have you been up to lately?" you can just point to your eyeliner.

What look will you rock at your next family get-together ? Sound off in the comments.

by Sydney Adamson | 11/19/2016