
You have to watch this beauty vlogger's viral vid


We've all had days where we don't exactly *love* what we see in the mirror. But what if those days become more frequent? And what if we start believing that our bodies are meant to be shamed and bullied and ripped apart? Well, beauty guru Rachel Levin has something to say about that. The YouTube vlogger recently uploaded a vulnerable video, showing her younger self questioning all of the hateful things we say about ourselves like her eyebrows are too bushy and her lips are too thin.

We're happy to see women taking a stand for building positive body image. It's time for us to stop criticizing our bodies so harshly and instead see all that they can do for us and how perfectly imperfect they are. Not to mention, bullying ourselves is just as harmful as bullying others. Because as Rachel says in her video, "If you wouldn't say it to yourself when you were little, why would you say it to yourself now?"

What do you think of Rachel's video? Are you guilty of being too hard on yourself? Let us know in the comments! 

Photo credit: Instagram.

by Amanda Tarlton | 9/17/2016