
*This* is how many coats of nail polish are in one bottle

Sometimes a bottle of nail polish seems to go so fast, while other times it feels like the bottle will never run out. But have you ever wondered how many coats of nail polish can come from your favorite polish bottle? Would you ever test it to find out?

Youtuber HelloMaphie, who regularly makes nail, beauty and DIY videos, took the challenge to do just that–and the results were astonishing. The #PolishMountain challenge requires nail polish gurus to paint as many coats of nail polish on their nails as possible, thus creating mountains of nail polish on each of their nails.

In her recent Youtube video, HelloMaphie applies layer after layer of nail polish until the bottle is empty. How many coats does she get from the single bottle of nail polish she uses? 147! We can’t believe that so many applications of nail polish came from that little pink polish bottle. That’s a lot of nail polish!

How many coats of nail polish did you guess would come from one bottle? Was your guess close? Let us know!

Photo credit: HelloMaphie


by Megan Holt | 7/5/2016