
Full steam ahead: The facial you never knew you needed


You steam your clothes to get rid of wrinkles, so why not apply that same logic to your face? Sure, ya might not be sporting any crow's feet, but that same smoothing effect can be awesome for acne and other skin problems. The best part? Steam facials are super cheap—you probably already have all of the ingredients you need right in your kitchen. Follow the instructions below to release toxins, clean your pores and make your skincare products more effective. Your complexion will thank you later. 


Step 1: Prep, prep, prep

Head to the kitchen and gather the following: baking soda, apple cider vinegar and herbs (plus, a pot and some water—but you knew that).

Step 2: Relax and cleanse

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water and stir until it becomes a paste. Gently rub the mix onto your face in a circular pattern for one minute, then rinse.


Step 3: Steam and detox

Bring the pot of water to a boil and remove it from the stove. Once it’s stopped bubbling, add the herbs to the water (you can use mint if you want more of a detox, or chamomile if your skin is extra dry). Lean your face 12 inches above the steam, draping a towel over your head to soak it all up. Stay this way for about 5-10 minutes to get the full effect.

Step 4: Dry it off

Using a towel, carefully dab at your face until it’s completely dry. Be careful to not rub at it too hard—your newly steamed face is more sensitive.

Step 5: Tone it up

Mix together enough apple cider vinegar and water to cover your face, using about 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. Using a cotton pad, smooth the toner mixture onto your face and wipe away the last of the dirt and oil left in your pores.

Step 6: Keep it moist

Apply a non-scented moisturizer to your face to finish off the treatment (beware of moisturizers with scents—they can be harmful and might make your face break out). Then, go out and enjoy your new, uber-clean face!


What beauty treatments work best for you and your skin? Have you ever tried to make your own steam facial before? Share with us in the comments below!

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by Alexa Matthew | 2/1/2016