Follow these steps to get gorge winter skin
Winter is the worst season for skin. Harsh winds crack cheeks, and cold weather makes your face dry and ashy. Even though you should tone and moisturize your skin every day, it’s especially crucial in the winter weeks to keep your skin looking smooth. Spy our fave toners and moisturizers, then follow our how-to tips below for glowing skin even in the worst snowstorm.
Why use toner?
Toner removes any extra dirt or oil remaining after your face has been washed with whatever type of cleanser you are comfortable with. A very important tip is that a toner should be tested on a small patch of skin first before it is officially added to your daily/nightly cleansing routine. Especially if you have dry skin: Apply it to one specific area of your face and within 24 hours, if nothing bad happens, that should be a clear sign that it’s safe. Don’t like washing your face both when you wake up and when you go to bed? Stick with just the nightly ritual, but don’t forget the toner! Some of our fave formulas are…
Simple Soothing Facial Toner, $7,
Neutrogena Alcohol-Free Toner, $7,
Alba Botanica Hawaiian Facial Toner, $13,
Why use a moisturizer?
Now-a-days moisturizers can be gels, creams or lotions specified for the face. Note: Don’t use just any lotion on your face. Many lotions meant for your body will be very harsh on your face. We must always use moisturizers in our daily routine because what do they do? You know it: They keep skin moist, making sure the top layer of skin does not get too dry and help hold water in skin. Ones we love are…
Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizer, $13,
St. Ives Timeless Skin Facial Moisturizer, $6,
Olay Complete All-Day UV Moisturizer, $9,
The how-to:
1. After washing your face with your fave cleanser, use a towel that's soft and clean to dry your skin. You should always use a towel that is devoted to just your face; bacteria can live and breed in towels. Grab a hair tie if your locks are likely to get in the way.
2. Next, dab toner onto a clean cotton ball or facial tissue. Start swiping toner across your T-zone, aka your forehead, nose and chin, and then if you have oily cheeks it won’t hurt to put some there, too. The oiliest spots will benefit most from the astringent. Stay away from any dry areas, as the alcohol in astringent can dry them out even further. (If you find your skin is very dry, stay away from astringent-type toners all together.)
3. Let your skin air dry before applying any lotion or makeup. Turn on some new Taylor Swift and jump around to a song or two, or shake it off, whatever gets you in a great mood.
4. Apply a creamy moisturizer with your fingers. Start with your cheeks, and gently massage it in throughout your face. Concentrate on any dry areas and only lightly cover your T-zone. Once you’ve aired out your skin throw on your sleeping eye mask, turn off the lights and get some shuteye. You’ll wake up with the best feeling skin you’ve had all winter!