
13 days of spooktacular nails: Day 12 Vicious vampire teeth

Spooktacular Nails continues with day 12! 

Sink your teeth into this design. The ultimate creepy nail design to try!


What you’ll need:
Red nail polish
Black nail polish
White nail polish
Hair dryer (optional, used at a low setting to speed up the drying process)


What you’ll do:
1. Paint your nails red and let dry.
2. Using a toothpick, draw on two horizontal lines with the black nail polish. Keep these lines spread out while still leaving red on either side of the black.
3. Fill in the space between the black lines with black nail polish using the nail polish brush. Let dry.
4. Using a toothpick, draw on teeth with the white polish. Draw two fangs on the top row and two fangs on the bottom row (essentially really narrow and long triangles). In between the fangs, draw in regular teeth (essentially squares).


*You can paint vampire teeth on all your nails or just a couple to act as an accent.

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by Shelby Newsome | 2/1/2016