Boy Lessons

Ever dated a dude who you thought was the guy of your dreams, but turns out he was more Mr. Wrong than prince charming? Eh, we all make mistakes! But that doesn’t mean hanging with that hottie all those weeks, months or, hey, even years was a total waste of time. Turns out, we can learn a lot from dating the wrong guy. Positive things sure do come from flubs (OK, even if we only realize them in hindsight).

Learned it’s best to always put buds before boys? You now realize you should only have a BF you have something in common with? Finally see a guy’s not worth your time if he doesn’t treat ya as good as his mom? We wanna know the biggest things you’ve learned from dating Mr. Wrong, including what you’ve discovered and how you came to realize it. It could end up in the next issue of GL. E-mail it to with "Life Lessons" in the subject line. And be sure to include the first name, last initial and age!
by GL | 2/1/2016