Ava Anderson: Safe Beauty is Her Business
Ava Anderson, 16, is a super-savvy businesswoman and is on a mission to get rid of harmful ingredients in beauty products. Last December, at age 15, she introduced the Ava Anderson Non-Toxic skin care line after hearing about the unsafe ingredients in many cosmetics. She chatted with GL about starting her own company and why she’s heading to Washington, D.C. next.
All Business
Ya might think starting your own company before junior year would be scary stuff — but Ava doesn’t seem to think so. “I haven’t been too worried. I think it’s very exciting what it’s progressed to; I never thought it would be this big.”
Family Matters
A Not-So-Typical Vacay
What will Ava be up to this summer? She doesn’t exactly have a typical teen job. She said she looks forward to swimming and going to the beach, but she’ll also be workin’—big time. “Now that summer’s here, I’ll probably be spending a few hours in the office at least every day,” she tells us. Plus, Ava’s involved with product development, like testing and formulating new creations.
Calling on Congress
Ava is determined to spread her message, and wants to go to Congress in support of a law to make U.S. beauty products safer for consumers. “We’re hoping this year to make a change and get this law passed.” We’re pretty sure she’s got the power to do it!
All Business
Ya might think starting your own company before junior year would be scary stuff — but Ava doesn’t seem to think so. “I haven’t been too worried. I think it’s very exciting what it’s progressed to; I never thought it would be this big.”
Family Matters
Ava’s mom, Kim, who co-founded the Ava Anderson Non-Toxic brand, helps keep the biz goin’. “We enjoy being on the calls together and in meetings and team our ideas up together to come up with these great, great ideas and products,” Ava says. Workin’ with your mom? So not a bad gig.
A Not-So-Typical Vacay
What will Ava be up to this summer? She doesn’t exactly have a typical teen job. She said she looks forward to swimming and going to the beach, but she’ll also be workin’—big time. “Now that summer’s here, I’ll probably be spending a few hours in the office at least every day,” she tells us. Plus, Ava’s involved with product development, like testing and formulating new creations.
Calling on Congress
Ava is determined to spread her message, and wants to go to Congress in support of a law to make U.S. beauty products safer for consumers. “We’re hoping this year to make a change and get this law passed.” We’re pretty sure she’s got the power to do it!
Wanna try some of Ava’s products?
Check out avaandersonnontoxic.com.