Tips to a Perfectly Healthy Complexion
It’s finally warming up outside, and we can totally feel spring on the way. With dances just around the corner, sports picking up the pace and plenty of time in the sun, it’s time to start paying extra-close attention to that skin.
Here are our best-ever tips for a perfectly healthy complexion:
Start by eating grub that’s especially awesome for your skin. Foods that are stacked in antioxidants (like berries and carrots) and fish are a fab start. So are downing seeds, nuts, beans and spices and drinking plenty of water.
Washing your face before bed (and after sports practice) is key for getting rid of makeup and sweat. You’ll be less likely to get clogged pores and dull skin. You don’t have to exfoliate daily or use a super-strong cleanser. A mild wash will get rid of the dirt without hurting your delicate face.
Stock up on sunscreen now! Make sure you’re using a moisturizer with SPF in the morning and reapply before you go out for practice. Not only are sunburns painful and lead to wrinkles when you’re older, but too much sun time can cause skin cancer down the road as well.
Smile—you’re on your way to a fab complexion!
POSTED IN healthy you program