Is My Flirting TOO Obvious?
When I like a guy, everyone knows it. I talk with the guy and joke around because I’m very outgoing.
How can I make my intentions less obvious but still get the guy to like me?
DAVE: Girls who normally write to us are the opposite of you. You’ve already mastered Flirting 101. It’s cool that you express yourself in such a relaxed way. I’m sure your personality puts guys at ease. Don’t change the way you are just because others aren’t as outgoing.
BILL: Am I missing something here? You’re fun to be around, and you have no problem getting along with guys. Is there a reason you need to keep crushes secret? Are you part of a secret society? Do you have a secret handshake? A secret wink? Go with the personality you have. You’ll wind up with guys who like you for who you are.
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TELL US NOW! Boys got ya baffled? Ask Bill and Dave what's up. Just click the purple SEND A QUESTION button.
POSTED IN how to flirt