Whether you're applying for your dream school, the internship you've been longing for or a job in your hometown, your qualifications and skills are *everything* to a recruiter. As much as we'd like to demonstrate everything we know in an...
Getting behind the wheel used to be a major milestone. Today? Diver's licenses are on the decline among teens. Here, GL looks at the reasons teens aren't as driven to hit the road—and why you shouldn't exit this rite of...
Dear Carol, I’ve just started ninth grade and I’ve liked this guy for a really long time. He’s good-looking and nice to me. Here’s the catch—there’s this other guy I’ve started noticing. He’s nice, we’re friends and he’s fun to be...
Calling all girl bosses! This post is brought to you by Stay Alfred, the upscale travel apartments where Team GL stayed while visiting Philadelphia for the Be Fearless Summit! Check them out for vacays and getaways in your favorite cities. Spring has...
The school day is long. Sometimes it feels even longer if you’re dreading part of your day. Because you don’t always get to choose your class schedule, you might have lunch at a different period than your friends...and that means...
Dear Carol, I feel like I’m on a cliff and I’m being pushed to the edge. I’m 13 and find it hard to enjoy being a teenager. Really. My parents are divorced. My grades are bad. I have no real friends...
Your little sis brings home an A on a test she didn't study for and you bring home a B- on an exam you've been cramming for all week. We get it—comparing yourself to your sibs happens, and it doesn't...
Exams like the SAT and HSA aren't like your regular school tests. This probably isn't news to you, but you should know that can't just study for a week and hope for the best. These standardized test takes months of...
Do *you* have what it takes to be a model?
Take our quiz to see if you're ready to strut your stuff. Then, enter our contest with Barbizon Model to make those dreams come true!
Win! The Assassin's Guide to Babysitting
Even Tru’s closest friends don’t know she’s balancing high school with assassin training. But her secret is at risk when a (sort of cute) bounty hunter starts chasing her down—while she’s right in the middle of a babysitting gig. Enter to win here!
What's your relationship vibe this cuffing season?
What should be your 2025 New Year's resolution?
Which winter aesthetic should you try?