Tough Stuff

10 ways to be a total rock star this year

You want it all. Awesome friends, killer grades, a stellar reputation, mega bucks, maybe even a boy to think you’re as amazing as you really are. Well, here’s our cinchy guide on how to get it all (and more) this year. And you know what? It’s pretty darn easy.

Be honest. Because no one likes a kiss-up.

Lose the filler. “Like,” “um” and “you know” are garbage that your mouth spews when your brain is coming up with something else to say. Instead of saying them, take a slow breath instead. Much more mature.

Forget feeling self-conscious. Trust us, you’ll have way more fun rocking on with your silly self.

Speak up. Especially when you’re the new girl (or there’s a new girl looking for a friend).

Challenge yourself. Playing it safe is easy, but taking risks can be mega rewarding.

Ditch the drama. Your gals are trash talking again? Check out—it’s not worth your time or energy.

Go solo. Join clubs, start a business, explore a new interest—do the things the person you want to be would do.

Say no. Overloading your schedule will make you feel overtaxed and resentful. You’ll do a better job on everything if you limit yourself.

Listen to what others have to say. Zip those lips and just listen. It will make other people feel valued—and make you seem like the interested person you are.

Have a signature. From a scent to a hairstyle to a sign-off, be 100-percent Y-O-U.

How are you gonna rock 2014? Tell us in the comments!


+ Solid advice to live by for the next 365

+ How to becomes legit friends with that frenemy this year… really!

+ Rule your school! 8 steps to rock solid self-confidence 


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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016