
Get on your teacher's good side

November is here, with its crisp, gray days and inevitable parent-teacher conferences. You might not be able to control the weather, but with a few hints from the clever chicks at GL, you can totally rock your conference progress report in a snap. Read on, smarty pants!


Play by the rules

In the weeks—or, OK, days—leading up to the conference, cut out bad behavior completely. Whether you’re a total class clown or occasionally get reprimanded for chatting during silent reading, it’s time to toss those antics out the window. If you’re behavior has been on the upswing lately, your teacher will notice and appreciate it. And that means bonus points, where your parents are concerned!


Participate, participate, participate!

Whether your teacher wants a volunteer for a really embarrassing geometry problem or the answer to last night’s homework question, it’s your job as an ace student to give her a hand. Toss yours in the air first, Hermione-style, and bid those participation blues buh-bye.


Ask for help

Still struggling to master the thesis statement? Ask your teacher if you can swing by after the final bell or during lunch for some one-on-one assistance. Most are so pleased that you genuinely want to excel that they’ll be happy to help you whenever, wherever. If not, they’ll at least be able to recommend a tutor—leading to better grades for you anyway, no?—and note that you’re making strides in the right direction.


Prepare your parents for the bad news

That being said, all of your hard work in the hours leading up to the conference won’t be able to erase that bad grade on your progress report. Sit your ‘rents down after dinner and be straight about how you’re really doing in all of your classes. Tell them you forgot a homework assignment here and there in history—but you’re totally working on your organizational skills so it won’t happen again. The point? They won’t be surprised when your teacher tells them the same thing, and they’ll be pleased that you’re already working to correct your mistakes and trouble areas.
Keep it going!
Here's the real trick: Don't lapse into bad behavior once conferences are over and report cards have been signed. There's always another right around the corner...and hey, it's not hard to be a good student, right? Remember, your education is important, regardless of what you wanna do in the future. Make the most of it!


Rock on, girl friend!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016