
My teacher is sooo unfair!

My teacher picks on me for no reason. I feel like my work is never good enough, and no matter what I do, I can never maker her happy. Help!


Aw, babe, I’m sorry you’re having trouble at school! It’s hard to keep slogging through a class when you feel like you never improve…or even live up to your teacher’s expectations. I’ve got a few tips in mind that should help smooth out your sitch.


Step back from the situation

Getting endless B’s when you think you’re delivering A+ work, or constantly receiving demerits for your behavior is enough to make a chica mad, right? Simmer down there, sweetie! It’s difficult to look at a sticky situation like this with a clear mind when your temper is boiling over. Instead of arguing, accept the corrections and cool off. When you’re calm and collected, consider how you could improve. Is your spelling the pits? Do you really need to giggle during silent reading? Take stock, and if you can find areas for improvement, improve yourself!


Correct your behavior

Being obstinate will get ya nowhere, especially when your Teach is the one in charge. While normal you might be too stubborn to accept Mrs. Smith’s strict rules, smart you will commit them to memory and toe the line. Need some advice? Stay after class (or schedule a meeting after school) to see what you can do better. Your teacher will appreciate your initiative.


Talk to your guidance counselor

If you’re doing everything right and still not getting ahead, it might be time to take your concerns to an adult who is paid to hear you out. Be ready to specifically answer questions about the situation, like what your teacher is doing and what steps you’ve already taken to fix the sitch. Your counselor should have some pointers, and might be able to intervene if the scenario really is out of control.


Call in Mom and Dad

Feel like your shouting to deaf ears? Sit Mom and Dad down when they both have a free minute (or ten), and lay out your cards. Tell them everything you’ve done to do better in class and what proof you have that your teacher is really, truly out to get you. Ask them to schedule a meeting with your teacher and your guidance counselor to work out the kinks.


Good luck, girlie!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016