
Ace your exams!

It’s the end of the year and one thing stands between you and sweet, sweet summer: finals. From research papers to exams, end of the year projects can be taxing. But no worries, chica. GL’s got five study tips that are sure to keep stress low and make you a star student.


Spread out the studying. Have a class that’s super hard and that has a lot of content you need to learn for that exam? Break it down. Plan a study group with friends were you all review specific topics. Spread the content out over three days so your brains won’t have to absorb too much at once.


Avoid cramming. While it may seem like a good idea, studies show cramming isn’t all that efficient. Instead of pulling an all-nighter the night before your exam, be sure to get a full night of sleep and eat breakfast. You’ll be able to concentrate much better.


Prioritize. Does the amount of work you have seem overwhelming? Rank what’s most important and make a to-do list. When deciding what goes on top, look at the due date (is your French exam way before your English one?) and difficulty (how much do you need to study for the exam to be confident you’ll do well?).


Keep up with your work. Now’s not the time to slack! Continue to keep up with readings and take good notes in class. If you keep up with your work all along, there’s no need to fret about catching up at the end.


Don’t be afraid to take a break. Too much studying can be a bad thing, too! Be sure to give your brain a breather as you review for exams. Just taking a half an hour after some hardcore studying to go for a jog or get some fresh air can really help you regain your focus before you jump back into your review.


by Alyssa Bailey | 2/1/2016