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The beginner's guide to skateboarding

It's a fun way to soak in the spring sun *and* a green alternative to driving to school: Let's face it, skateboarding is a fab activity for anyone. If you've been searching for that sign to ditch your childhood scooter, this is it. Grab your headphones, channel Avril Lavigne ("Sk8r Boi", anyone?) and pick up your board, bc today's the day that you officially become a skater girl. 

Step 1: The skateboard

Your skateboard selection depends on your ultimate goal with the activity. Are you a casual rider just looking for a stylish transport to school? Grab a wider board, 8.0" and above, which gives you ample foot space and a ton of control. Do you have your heart set on learning some major tricks and making the skatepark your second home? In that case, purchase a skinnier board, 7.75" and below, which will make ollies and spin tricks just *that* much easier. Because there are so many factors that go into picking the perf skateboard, we recommend visiting a local skate shop to consult the experts. 

Step 2: The setup


As much as you may try to avoid it, you and the pavement are going to become besties when you begin skateboarding (AKA: You're going to fall). In order to steer clear from painful scrapes and bruises, grab some elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet. In addition to your equipment, practicing in a safe environment is another key to skating success. Start in a driveway or closed-off flat surface. You may not be super aware of your surroundings (watch out, cars!), and skateparks can be intimidating for beginners. 

Step 3: The friend


You may not remember learning how to ride a bike, but we can assure you: It was *not* a solo effort. We recommend grabbing a friend for your first lesson, whether they're a skater or not. Balance is a key part of this pastime, so make sure your bestie is super supportive (both physically and mentally!). 

Step 4: The takeoff

By this step, you're all set and prepped to ride. First things first: set your dominant foot on the skateboard vertically. Use your other foot to push off of the ground, starting out slowly and building up momentum. You're ready for takeoff!

Step 5: The cruise

Once you feel comfy accelerating, lift your non-dominant foot onto the board. Shift both feet to a position perpendicular to the skateboard. Congrats! You're now cruisin' for a bruisin' (Ross Lynch style). If you have a need for speed, turn your feet parallel to the board again and repeat step 4. 

Step 6: The turn

Picture this: You're coasting along the sidewalk when you spot a pesky stick in your path. It's essential that you know how to complete a stellar skateboarding spin. If you're aiming to turn left, place the pressure on your toes. If your goal is to slide right, shift your weight onto your heels. In short: lean in the direction you want to go!

Step 7: The journey


Wherever your skateboard takes you, it will def be an interesting journey. Upgrade your skating game by watching some inspirational—and even educational—Youtubers (we suggest Braille Skateboarding!). If you want to impress your friends with a cool trick, start with an ollie or a kickflip. Remember to stay safe, patient and upbeat. You got this, girl!

Teaching yourself to skateboard this spring? We want to see!
Tag us in an Insta pic @girlslifemag for a 
chance to be featured.

More spring activities coming your way! Check out these related stories:
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Slider image: @theskatekitchen
All GIFs via Giphy


by Julia Szymanski | 4/17/2023