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How to *finally* start that side hustle

Have you always thought about starting a side hustle but never knew where to start? We've been there. It can be scary to put yourself out there, but once you start, you'll be so happy you did. Plus, extra time at home right now makes this the *perfect* time to take a chance. Check out these tips on how to make the most of quarantine and turn your hobby into your hustle.

Find your niche

Before you start your side hustle, you have to figure out what it is you'll be selling! Find something you really love to do. Are you a baker? An artist? Would you be good at tutoring little kids? Whatever your passion is, think of a way to share it with people and you'll be on your way to success.

Practice, practice, practice

You only get better at something by doing! If you're into YouTube, find some video-editing classes online. If you're a dessert-lover, bake and bake until you find that perfect recipe. Take some time to perfect your craft and you'll be a pro in no time.

Get the word out

Mom may nag at you to get off your phone, but in this case, social media is your new BFF! Start an Instagram page to show off your artwork, make a makeup tutorial and tell your friends and fam to share it with everyone they know, etc. More eyes online means more eyes on your product, and it can't get better than that!

Keep at it no matter what

It's easy to feel discouraged if your hustle doesn't take off right away. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep trying! Success takes time, hard work and, honestly, a good bit of luck! Just have fun with your hobbies like no one's watching, and we promise, people will take notice.

What side hustle have you always wanted to start? Let us know below!


by Paris Johnson | 5/6/2020